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Nitro Wiki

Hey people! It's Sapphire back here again, (Sorry for the long break), with my blog, Nitro Type Stocks. Make sure you check out my first blog post, for more info and background. Make sure you stay tuned for a new post, coming up sometime in the near future. (No promises that I can't keep.) So here you have it, Number 2!

Feature 2: CARS

CARS. Yes, Cars. I'm talking all about them and all about them. (Am I boring you out?) So let's get started. What's so good about cars? Well without cars, nitro type wouldn't really be nitro type. The whole point of nitro type was so that you could practice typing while having fun buying cars and racing other people. So it's pretty much one of the most important things. Let me show you a sample below to the right.

So, what's the big deal about the cars? Here's a couple. You can paint them with different colors. This makes it more You. It's your bling. That's cool. Another thing you can do is store them in your garage. But that's a different article. You can use them in a race and show them off. OK... So the major thing about cars is that there is a variety of them, and you can make it your own thing by painting them. OK... But there's a whole new thing that hasn't come out yet about cars. And that's a total CON. What's bad about cars? Something that hasn't been released: SKINS. And what are those exactly? They are versions of the cars, skins, that are different than the actual thing. Here are some other photos. 

Another bad thing? That's interesting really. Nothing really bad about these cars. But the skins are really something that needs to be updated, as they've been advertised FOR YEARS. And I mean Years. Oh boy, as they say. However, there are just some cars that aren't my thing. And they probably aren't your thing either. In other words, they're ugly. I'll show you a few.

VERDICT: Cars are somewhat ok.

Make sure you're on the lookout for more articles! Thanks for reading, and happy racing! -Sapphire
