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Nitro Wiki
Typing Nightmare V3

Not to be confused with NitroType Nightmare, a team with a similar name.

Typing Nightmare is a hidden achievement that could be completed by racing 1,200 times in a session before October 31, 2019.


  • "Typing Nightmare"
  • +250 Achievement Points


  • This achievement was made unobtainable on October 31, 2019, due to Travis not wanting to promote players completing long sessions as it could be detrimental to their health.
  • This was named after Nightmare, who was the first person to achieve this on his original "dabestswagg" account, which is now banned.
  • Randora received this achievement after it was made unobtainable by requesting it from Travis. This was very controversial, and it has been argued that Randora's account deserves to be banned, seeing that the user Ginfio went through a similar process to obtain the Hotdog Mobile and 8 Bit Racer on his original account (which was banned for that same reason).