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Nitro Wiki

Nitro Type garage

A Gold Member's garage in Nitro Math

A Gold Member's garage in Nitro Math

The Garage is the page that the Nitro Type and Nitro Math sites redirect to upon login. When logged in, users are able to view their currently equipped car, title, and trail, rearrange their car collection, collect Mystery boxes, buy cash, start a race or friend race, and view their Daily Challenges. The Customizer is also accessed through the garage, which allows users to equip or paint their currently owned cars and equip loot items. The layout of the garage page will also change depending on whether the user has Gold Membership or not.

Garage sections[]

Garages consist of sections with thirty spaces for a user's cars. A user with more than thirty cars will end up having multiple garage sections. After filling an entire garage space a new 30 space section will appear when another car is obtained.

Garage updates[]


The garage prior to March 29, 2014


The garage prior to June 5, 2019

  • Prior to March 29, 2014, players were unable to rearrange the cars in their garage. Instead, cars were alphabetically ordered in small boxes. This changed after an update in which the garage was reformatted.
  • On June 5, 2019, as part of the sitewide redesign of Nitro Type v3, a new garage look was released. It included the new colors used by Nitro Type, larger buttons, and the ability to paint cars in the garage rather than the Dealership. The mystery box's opening animation and design were also changed. The features of the heading itself were also changed, where the name and title are displayed, top 3 badges, and other commodities, such as cash, nitros, and XP.
  • Several visual updates were made to the garage on February 10, 2020:
    • Players can click on the gold logo that appears on gold members' profiles to make fireworks that explode into gold confetti appear.
    • Any user's selected car can be clicked ten times to make an explosion of tiny versions of that car appear.
    • Clicking on the cash icon next to one's cash will result in several bundles of cash exploding out of it.
  • On April 8, 2020, the Loot page was added. It was accessible by hitting the diamond in the Garage next to the paintbrush icon. This was removed on March 13, 2021, with the replacement of the Customizer.
  • Overcomer's Garage 25-1-2023

    The current garage

    On November 17, 2020, the Mystery Box icon was changed to have a glowing halo around it.
  • On February 6, 2021, the ability to sell cars was removed.
  • On March 13, 2021, the Customizer was added to the garage through the "Customize Cars & Loot" button. The Customizer replaces some of the functionality of the garage, so features like selecting and painting cars were removed and must now be done through the Customizer instead.
  • On April 16, 2021, the ability to customize trails was added. Because of this, the trail equipped by a user shows up in the section of the garage displaying the currently equipped car. The ability to hover the cursor over the display to move the car around was also added. However, cars with no trail equipped could not be moved around by the cursor.
  • On April 17, 2021, the direction that cars and trails face in the garage was changed and the space around the selected car was changed from white to gray.
  • On October 17, 2021, Daily Challenges were released. The release of daily challenges also caused a new garage format, which removed the gray box around the car and slanted the car itself to be facing the top right of the screen, rather than facing forward. Additionally, the Mystery Box icon was changed to be much smaller for gold members. It stayed relatively the same size for non-gold members.

Garage Hack[]

The garage hack was discovered in late 2019 after the sitewide redesign of Nitro Type v3. In order for this to work, JavaScript must be enabled.

javascript:(async(a,b='',c,d=JSON.parse(JSON.parse(localStorage['persist:nt']).user).garage)=>{if(!a)return;for(c=0;c<a*30;c++)b+=`garage%5B${c}%5D=${d[c]||''}&`;await fetch('api/v2/loot/arrange-cars',{'headers':{'Authorization':'Bearer '+localStorage.player_token,'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},'body':b,'method':'POST','mode':'cors'});alert`Logging you out... Please log back in to see changes.`;document.querySelector('a.dropdown-link[href="/"]').click()})(prompt`Number of garage sections (~30 max):`) .

Go into the bookmark settings and insert the JavaScript above into the URL code. Then log onto Nitro Type and press the bookmark tab. A notification will pop up asking for how many slots you want. This glitch was described in depth in Nate Dogg's video, which can be viewed here. There are several other methods that are viable for this glitch. This glitch is not a violation of Nitro Type's TOS, so this is not a bannable offense.
