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Nitro Wiki

Friends Icon

The Friends page is the page on Nitro Type where you can view how many of the people you are friends with are online, the last time they logged in (if they are offline), whether or not they are offline or online, remove friends, search for new friends, or view people you have raced with recently.



The notification that pops up when someone accepts your friend request.

The Friends page includes teammates, who are automatically added to your Friends page, and any friends you have sent a request to and they have accepted (or any person who has sent requests to you and you have accepted). When you send a friend request to someone, a small notification bubble appears next to the "Friends" heading. The number changes depending on the amount of friend requests someone has not answered. When someone accepts your friend request and you are in online mode, a white notification box pops up notifying that they have accepted your friend request. It is also possible to remove friends by clicking on the small red x on the far right of their name, level, and speed.

The total amount of friends that a player can have is 1,000, regardless of membership. Prior to October 30, 2019, the limit was 300 for gold members and 200 for non-gold members. All new racers automatically receive a friend request from Travis and Corndog.

Friend races

20190605-075931 ntv3launch-race

A friend race.

Friend races are a type of races that are reserved for only one racer and people on their friend list. You may also receive a bonus for friend racing ($50 for each friend or teammate who was in the friend race).

Starting friend races

There are three ways to start a friend race.

  1. Go to your Garage and click the "Race With Friends" button.
  2. Go to your Friends page and click on the "Start Friends Race" button.
  3. Go straight to your Friend race track link. You can do this by typing in[insert the username you originally signed up with here] into your browser. This will take you straight to your friend track without having to click on any other button.
Friend race notification

The notification that pops up when someone invites you to a friend race


Inviting friends to a friend race

Once you are in your friend race track, you may invite people to your friend race by clicking on the "Invite Your Friends" button on the top left. The racer(s) who you invite will receive a notification telling them that you invited them to a race and asking them whether or not they want to join. If they click the "Accept" button, they will be put into your friend race track.

Once your desired friends join your race, you may start the friend race by clicking on the "Start Race" button. If four other racers did not join your race, then bots and regular racers will fill up the track. Once there are five racers/bots in your friend race, the race will start.

Canned Chat

There is a canned chat feature on friend races. There are seven phrases you can select to say in a friend race, and eight emojis to choose from. This serves as a feature to communicate with your friends before the race starts. This chat is restricted largely because of Nitro Type's main audience: schools.

The emojis that can be chosen in the friend chat are shown below.
