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Nitro Wiki
Friends page new

The friends page.


Friends Icon

The Friends page is where a registered user can view all of their friends. There, they can view stats about their friends, such as how many people are online, the last time one has logged in if they're offline, and other stats. One can also view their friend requests, search for other users (by either username or display name), or view racers they've recently raced with.


The Friends page includes teammates, who are automatically added to the Friends page, class members (if the player in question is in a class), and Friends. When a friend request is sent, a notification box appears in the far right, telling the recipient they have received a friend request. In addition, a small red bubble pops up near the Friends tab, on the navigation bar. If a friend request is ignored for more than 20 days, it will be automatically declined.

When a friend request is accepted, the sender receives a notification telling them that it was accepted, and they become friends.

Friends Limit

The message box that pops up when a user has reached their max friend limit.

It is possible to remove friends, by clicking on the red X button on the far right. In addition to this, friends may also be sorted by their Racer Name, WPM speed, Level, Total amount of Races, and current Status.


Friend requests from Travis and TheCorndog.

Prior to October 30th, 2019, racers without a Gold membership could have up to 200 friends, and Gold members could have up to 300 friends. After this date, however, all users now have a max limit of 1,000 friends, regardless of membership. All new racers automatically receive a friend request from Travis and Corndog.

Friends Races


Starting a Friends Race through the Friends page.


Starting a Friends Race through the Garage.


A friends race.

A Friends Race is a type of race that is reserved for only one racer, and anyone they invite.

Starting Friends Races

There are two ways to start a friend race from the site; clicking the 'Race with Friends' button in the Garage, or clicking the 'Start a Friends Race' button in the user's Friends page.

After starting a friends race, a player can invite their friends by clicking on the 'Invite Your Friends' button, at the top right. Friends can be invited directly, through a notification, or they can join, using a link.

Once four racers join alongside the host, the race will automatically begin. If less than five total people join, the host can start the race by clicking on the 'Start Race Now' button at the top right. Then, bots, or other users in the host's WPM zone, will fill up the remaining slots.

Upon completion of a Friends Race,$50is given to all players, once for every mutual friend that's in the race with them.

Canned Chat

Friends Races allow canned-chat (pre-defined messages) for simple communication. Unfortunately we are unable to provide open chat due to restrictions in schools, which are a large user of Nitro Type. Users can also use Stickers for communication, which can be earned through achievements, and season rewards.
