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Can you guess what this year’s Xmaxx theme is?

11/22/17 11:58AM By Travis

Can you guess what this year’s Xmaxx theme is?

What is the Xmaxx Event?

The Xmaxx event is our biggest event of the year, where we celebrate everything festive and where you can earn exclusive holiday cars, titles, extra cash, and XP!

Once the Xmaxx event starts, head to the dealership and pick up a holiday car. All races using a holiday car will win you an extra 50% cash and experience from every race!

I'm so excited for this year's Xmaxx that I've made my real car match my NT car

101 large 1
REAL Travis’ car

What do you guys think?

Starting December 1st !!

  1. Go to the Dealership
  2. Buy the Rocket Sleigh 69 small 1
  3. Race using your new sleigh to earn fun prizes!

Any Xmaxx event car will work towards the new achievements!

We've picked our theme!

Last week we asked you guys to help us come up with this year’s Xmaxx theme! With so many good ideas in the comments, it was really hard to decide.

But now, we’ve finally settled on what looks to be our SWEETEST theme yet. Here, let me give you a hint—

Can you guess what it is?

This year, pick up an Xmaxx car from the dealership and then use it to enter into as many Reese’s as possible to Skor a big PayDay..

It doesn’t matter which you pick, whether it costs $10,000 or 100 Grand, you can use it to win some exclusive achievemints and plenty of Xmaxx Bounty—including 50% extra cash and XP with every race!

You’ll want to get started from day one, because the extra cash will come in candy when we release our most exclusive holiday event car later during the event.

If you’ve guessed what our theme is already, you’re probably Snickering at how silly I sound... what is it?


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