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Nitro Wiki

To this day, this elite car remains shrouded in mystery... show up to the start line with this car and you'll seem very mysterious yourself.

The Blitz R-8.1 is a car that can be randomly obtained from a daily Mystery box. It was also made available for purchase from the Shop. See below


  • On February 9, 2021, it received a v3 redesign.
  • It is one of two cars that can be randomly collected from a mystery box, with the other being the Stingtec Electric.
  • Its name was Auttie R-8.1 until May 3, 2021.
  • It was moved from the Platinum Imports Shop section to the Loh's Cars Shop section on February 24, 2023.
  • Its Shop description references daily Mystery boxes.
  • It received a price change from $250,000 to $110,000 prior to its release in the Platinum Imports Shop section.
  • Nitro Type bot Samantha uses this car.
  • It is based on an Audi R8.

Shop Availability[]

Starting Date Ending Date Price
April 29, 2021 N/A $110,000
February 15, 2021 February 16, 2021 $250,000

