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Nitro Wiki

All Hail is a hidden achievement that could be completed by racing 1,000 times in a session.


  • "Emperor"
  • +250 Achievement Points


  • This achievement was made unobtainable on October 31, 2019, due to Travis not wanting to promote players completing long sessions as it could be detrimental to their health.
  • It was achieved first by Vielle in an endurance session to get 1,000 races in a single session in less than 24 hours.
  • It was added on January 2nd, 2013, and was once named "The Epic" until Corndog quickly changed it to 2 separate achievements.
  • It was achieved at the exact same time as Bow Before.
  • Randora received this achievement even though he completed the achievement after it was made unobtainable by requesting it from Travis.