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Nitro Wiki

The 2016 Hallowampus Event was the fourth annual Halloween event. It started on October 19, 2016 and ended on November 1, 2016.


I’m feeling pretty spooked, so I’m gonna keep this short.

As many of you know, every Halloween we have a little mini-event. Right now there’s a sweet new car for sale thanks to the extra spooky scary hallowampus! Head to the dealership and spend your spook-bucks on it!

And i heard through the pumpkin vine that there may be another car or two coming later.... Beware! And perhaps a custom title if you buy it?!


Almost forgot to enable it! You also get 25% more experience and money for racing with any Halloween car.



Car Picture Name How to get Corresponding Achievement
118 small 1 The Candy Hauler $15,000,000 N/A
130 small 1 Nitr-o'-Lantern $500,000 N/A
131 small 1 Nitr-o'-the-Wisp $5,000,000 So Many Pumpkins


The only achievement in this event was So Many Pumpkins, which could be completed by purchasing the Nitr-o'-the-Wisp.


  • This is the first halloween event to have any updates.
  • A glitch at the start of this event allowed some users to get achievements from the 2016 Summer Event.
  • This was the first year in which the halloween event was called "Hallowampus" instead of "Halloween."
  • All the cars in this event have been re-released in the Shop.

